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Dans la Cour

Self-expression and creativity through art, language and mindfulness for kids

Dans la Cour...

Learning Art & French

through a playful and mindful approach

Join a creative and relaxing environment where the artist and educator Miss Muriel combines language, fun, and creativity for children. A space for kids to gain confidence, find their expression, release all tensions, and let the creativity flow.

Private one-on-one or small group sessions available live online or at the studio located in the heart of Coconut Grove | Miami, Florida.

Art and Yoga combined for small groups of kids.

Registration required.

Private and semi-private Art lessons for children

By appointment only.

Private and semi-private French lessons for children

By appointment only.

COVID-19 Statement:

Our studio is open. We are offering classes in small group settings or privately. Online sessions are also available upon request. We provide a hand sanitizing station, and face-covering is required while participating in studio activities. We ask participant families to reschedule their sessions if presenting symptoms or knowing to be recently in close contact with someone with COVID-19. Our staff was vaccinated. We will continue to post updates about community health and safety plans.

En Classe avec Miss Muriel...

Kindergarten to 5th grade 

academic French Program live online

To respond to the demand of these challenging times and better support parents and children through the learning disruption caused by this year's COVID-19 pandemic, Miss Muriel has created small virtual classrooms for kids.

Designed for children in the International French Programs at Elementary Schools, these classes will support learning, prepare kids for the next school year, get them ready or training for DELF / DALF certification if desired, and keep them engaged in educational activities.

Virtual but real live classes to mitigate the psychological and social consequences of confinement through bringing children together in a guided environment for learning through playing and remaining curious.

This online program runs while physical distancing is recommended to reduce the pace of coronavirus spreading.


About Muriel

Miss Muriel is a passionate teacher and artist with over 20 years of experience in working with kids. Her individualized approach allows each of her students to fully express their personality through a work that fosters self-awareness, self-expression, and a highly developed emotional literacy at a young age to form mindful citizens for a world in change. 

Location and Schedule
Contact form

La Cour des Arts

with Muriel Molinier Abdoune 

2911 Grand Avenue, Suite 400 C

Coconut Grove

Miami, Florida 33133

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© 2021 Muriel Molinier Abdoune

webdesign Carol Jamault

To contact or register for classes
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